Apply Now and Request Info will be unavailable from 5 p.m. September 27th until 8 a.m. September 28th due to scheduled maintenance.
Thank you for your patience.
Jesús Hernández, Title IX Coordinator
Room 1103
The mission of Madonna University, a Catholic institution of higher learning, is to instill in its students Christian humanistic values, intellectual inquiry, a respect for diversity, and a commitment to serving others through a liberal arts education, integrated with career preparation and based on the truths and principles recognized within a Felician Franciscan tradition.
Madonna University lives out its Catholic and Franciscan mission and values by creating and maintaining an environment where all persons are treated with understanding and respect. As such, members of the university community, guests and visitors have the right to be free from all forms of sexual and gender-based discrimination. All members of the campus community are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that does not infringe upon the rights of others.
Madonna University’s Title IX Policy
From the Madonna University Student Handbook
Madonna University guarantees the right to equal educational opportunity without discrimination
because of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, age, height, weight,
marital status, disability, veteran status, or any other protected class. Madonna
University is an equal opportunity/equal access/affirmative action employer fully
committed to achieving a diverse workforce and complies with all Federal and Michigan
State laws, regulations, and executive orders regarding non-discrimination and affirmative
From the Madonna University Student Handbook
Madonna students, staff, and faculty form a unique educational community dedicated
to furthering the University’s educational mission. We take pride in our community.
Madonna University strives to provide an inclusive, respectful, supportive, intellectual
community we can all be proud of. In order to maximize each student’s college experience
and educational potential, all Madonna community members are expected to adhere to
University policies.
For students, this means understanding and accepting the Student Code of Conduct as the basis for nurturing our community. The Student Code of Conduct outlines policies and procedures that protect students and it articulates minimum standards for appropriate behavior. Students, faculty, staff and administration have agreed on this Code; therefore, becoming a Madonna student means accepting its rules and general spirit of respect and cooperation. We believe that this Code encourages academic and interpersonal integrity. In addition to adhering to University policies and rules, students are expected to:
Show respect and sensitivity for others;
Support open communication to enhance our living/learning atmosphere;
Be honest in all academic work and know that cheating, plagiarizing, and giving false
information will not be tolerated;
Help support enforcing Madonna’s rules and regulations, when needed;
Respect the University’s physical facilities and individual property;
Meet all financial obligations.
As a community, we value our students’ safety and well-being; therefore, violations
of this Code will result in disciplinary sanctions through the Vice President for
Student Affairs and Mission Integration.
Those charged with the enforcement of this code will at all times endeavor to observe the due process system so that each student is heard in a just and consistent manner including a hearing before the Student Appeal Board as cited in this Student Handbook, when deemed appropriate.
For severe or repeat infractions, the University has the right to dismiss students. All local, state, and federal laws apply to students while on property owned or controlled by the University or when off campus; therefore, disciplinary action may be taken against individuals and/or organizations for misconduct and students may be legally prosecuted.
Every student is responsible for knowing and abiding by the Madonna University Student Code of Conduct. The University reserves the right to alter or add to this Code within the students’ term of enrollment with communication of those changes being given to the members of the University community. We believe that this Code promotes our students’ academic success and personal development. Please take time to familiarize yourself with this Code, as it delineates your rights and responsibilities.
A copy of this code is available to each student online through MyPortal. Students belonging to more than one community at Madonna, i.e., student athletes, residents, student employees, majors requiring licensing and/or certification, are responsible for adhering to the rules and policies of those communities.
From Madonna University Campus Safety Website
Livonia Police: 911 from cell phone, 9-911 from campus phone
Madonna Campus Safety: 5442 from campus phone, 734-432-5442 from a cell phone, Parking Lot Emergency Phones (Livonia campus) – press the red button
Madonna University Psychological Services Clinic: Contact 734-432-5493. A member of the clinical services staff will respond to your call quickly and confidentially.
Domestic Abuse & Sexual Assault Resources: First Step Hot Line (24 hour hotline) 1-888-453-5900.
St. Mary Mercy Hospital: Emergency Department 734-655-4800; located at 5 Mile and Levan Road, 1 mile away from campus
Title IX Coordinator: Jesús Hernández, at 734-432-5656 or
Madonna University Department of Campus Safety needs your help in deterring crime on campus. If you have ANY information about a recent or past incident please, take the time to fill out the form below. All information is kept strictly confidential. Please keep in mind that if it is a crime in progress call x5442, or 911 if it is an emergency. Your help is greatly appreciated.
If you have been assaulted, physically or sexually, you should:
From the Madonna University Student Handbook
2N: Sexual Violence
Sexual violence refers to physical sexual acts perpetuated against a person’s will
or where a person is incapable of giving consent due to the victim’s use of drugs
or alcohol. An individual also may be unable to give consent due to an intellectual
or other disability. A number of acts fall into the category of sexual violence, including
rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, and sexual coercion. All such acts of sexual
violence are forms of sexual harassment covered under Title IX. Sexual harassment
is unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature. It includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests
for sexual favors, and other verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature.
Sexual violence is a form of sexual harassment prohibited by Title IX.
Section 2, University Policies, 2-4
From Staff Handbook on the Madonna University Portal
Madonna University is committed to maintaining a work environment that is free of
harassment. More specifically, the University will not condone actions and words which
a reasonable person would regard as either discrimination or harassment by or on the
part of administrators, staff, faculty, and students.
The policy of Madonna University is to treat all employees equally and with respect. All employees of Madonna University are to avoid making negative, controversial, derogatory or offensive statements (whether oral or written) concerning other individuals or groups.
Harassment of an employee by management, another employee, or any other individual is prohibited. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature is strictly prohibited. Further, harassment, including sexual, racial or any other form of harassment and discrimination, is prohibited.
Any individual who feels s/he is a victim of harassment or discrimination should immediately report it to his/her immediate supervisor, or to the Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs. If you are uncomfortable in reporting it to your immediate supervisor or if you are not happy with the result, then you should report it to the Director of Human Resources.
Complaints of any form of harassment will be investigated in a manner as confidential as possible. All personnel are expected to cooperate fully with any such investigation. Individuals who violate this policy will subject themselves to disciplinary action up to and including discharge. An investigation may include interviews of possible witnesses, including the person claiming the harassment has occurred, and the person or persons claimed to be involved in the harassment. The privacy of the person issuing the complaint, of the person accused, and the steps taken in the investigation will be protected to the extent possible. An investigation of the complaint will be conducted by the Director of Human Resources, an appropriate vice president, and/or one of their designees as soon as possible and conducted in an expeditious manner as follows:
In continuance of Madonna University's commitment to safety and security, and in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, please familiarize yourself with the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report, detailed below. This report is a summation of the crime statistics for Madonna's main campus, including branch campuses, for the past three years. The current report is available here.
A printed copy is available for review at the following main campus locations:
Department of Campus Safety – West Wing 125/127;
Dean of Students Office – Room 1113C;
Corporate Compliance Office – TBD;
Human Resources – Room 2200.
To request a copy please call (734) 432-5326.